
Erik Mejdal Lauridsen
Chief Executive Officer, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Innovative business solutions and 3D X-ray imaging

Christian Holzner
Director of Product and Business Development, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Technology business development and X-ray microscopy

Adriaan van Roosmalen
Scientist, MSc
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Python programming, grating-based scattering contrast and computed tomography

Anders Filsøe Strange
Lead Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: X-ray simulations, modelling, and data science

Asbjørn Rasmussen
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Computational physics, mathematical modelling, and software engineering.

Azat Slyamov
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Coherent X-ray microscopy and data analysis

Bente Abildgaard Jacobsen
Finance Manager
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Finance and accounting

Florian Bachmann
Lead Senior Scientist, Dr. rer. nat.
Field of expertise: X-ray diffraction, crystallography and imaging, computational and data science

Frank Niessen
Senior Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Physical metallurgy, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and advanced microstructure analysis.

Gorm Gruner Jensen
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Data exploration, visualization, and modelling

Henning Osholm Sørensen
Product Manager, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Employing and developing multiscale X-ray tomography and diffraction techniques for characterization of natural and synthetic materials

Håkon Wiik Ånes
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Application of electron diffraction, crystallography and data analysis to materials science

Jacob Ross Bowen
Product Manager, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Electron microscopy and tomography, X-ray tomography, image analysis and microstructure-property relationships

Jette Oddershede
Senior Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Materials science applying X-ray diffraction and imaging techniques

Jun Sun
Product Marketing Manager, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Materials science and data analysis

Kenneth Kjær Nielsen
Software Developer, cand.polyt.
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: High performance computing and mathematical modeling

Mads Alexander Pedersen
Scientist, MSc
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Data analysis, automatization and applied statistics

Mario Heinig
Application Specialist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Materials characterisation and data processing

Mette Fischer
Office Manager
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Administration, business and management support

Morten Gjerding
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Scientific software development, modelling, data science

Olivia Ashton Barbee
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Mineralogy and crystallography, igneous petrology, crystal imaging and microanalysis

Rasmus Nielsen
Scientist, MSc
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Computational physics, simulations, and data analysis

Raghav Vacher
Scientist, MSc
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Computer vision, deep learning, model deployment

Ravi Raj Purohit Purushottam Raj Purohit
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: X-ray diffraction, material characterization, micro-mechanical modeling, crystallography, data science

Simone Ferstl
Product Manager, Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: 3D X-ray microscopy, electron microscopy, image processing and analysis, innovations and business development

Stefan Bruns
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: X-ray tomography; natural and synthetic porous media; 3D/4D image restoration, processing and analysis; software solutions for synchrotron data in CUDA/C++

Tiago Ramos
Scientist, PhD
LinkedIn profileField of expertise: Image analysis and reconstruction algorithms

Trygve Magnus Ræder
Scientist, PhD
Field of expertise: Python development, GPU acceleration, data visualization, X-ray diffraction, functional materials