References – GrainMapper3D
The team behind Xnovo Technology ApS represents more than 20 years of experience in synchrotron research. Below is a selection of key publications by the founders of Xnovo Technology ApS in collaboration with scientific colleagues in the field as well as recent publications involving LabDCT.
Research involving the GrainMapper3D™ software
- Applying lab-based DCT to reveal and quantify the 3D structure of a miniature chess rook produced by binder jetting. J. Sun et al., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 1310, 012029 (2024)
- The mechanistic origins of heterogeneous void growth during ductile failure. M. W. Vaughan et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 274, 119977 (2024).
- Postprocessing Workflow for Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography: A Case Study on Chromite Geomaterials. X. Chen et al., Microscopy and Microanalysis, (2024).
Analysis of slip transfer across grain boundaries in Ti via diffraction contrast tomography and high-resolution digital image correlation: When the geometrical criteria are not sufficient. E. Nieto-Valeiras et al., International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 105, 103941 (2024).
Grain structure evolution during heat treatment of a semisolid Al-Cu alloy studied with lab-based diffraction contrast tomography. J. Sun et al., Tomography of Materials and Structures, vol. 4, 100025 (2024).
- Assessment of slip transfer criteria for prismatic-to-prismatic slip in pure Ti from 3D grain boundary data. E. Nieto-Valeiras et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 262, 119424 (2024).
- Comparison of Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Results: Application to Naturally Occurring Chromites. X. Chen et al., Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 29, 1901 (2023).
- Registration between DCT and EBSD datasets for multiphase microstructures. J. A. D. Ball et al., Materials Characterization, vol. 204, 113228 (2023).
Application of Mask R-CNN for lab-based X-ray diffraction contrast tomography. H. Fang et al., Materials Characterization, vol. 201, 112983 (2023).
- A novel diffraction contrast tomography (DCT) acquisition strategy for capturing the 3D crystallographic structure of pure titanium. E. Ganju et al., Tomography of Materials and Structures, vol. 1, 100003 (2023).
- Informing quantum materials discovery and synthesis using X-ray micro-computed tomography. L. A. Pressley et al., npj Quantum Materials, vol. 7, article number: 121 (2022).
- X-ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography for Probing Hydrogen Embrittlement in Heat-Treated Lean Duplex Stainless Steel. K. Eguchi et. al., Front. Mater., vol. 9, 801198 (2022).
Understanding agglomerate intergrowth crystallisation of hexamine through X-ray microscopy and crystallographic modelling. T. T. H. Nguyen et al., J. Cryst. Growth, vol. 603, 126686 (2022).
- Correlation Between Corrosion Behavior and Grain Boundary Characteristics of a 6061 Al Alloy by Lab-Scale X-Ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT). Y. Zhao et al., Materials Characterization, vol. 193, 112325 (2022).
- Relationships between 3D grain structure and local inhomogeneous deformation: A laboratory-based multimodal X-ray tomography investigation. M. Kobayashi et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 240, 118357 (2022).
- Percolation of grain boundaries at triple junctions in three-dimensions: a test of theory. J. Kang et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 240, 118316 (2022).
Recent advances of lab-based diffraction contrast tomography – reconstruction speed benchmark testing and validations. J. Sun et al., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 1249, 012045 (2022).
Morphology and Growth Habit of the New Flux-Grown Layered Semiconductor KBiS2 Revealed by Diffraction Contrast Tomography. K. Qu et al., Crystal Growth & Design, vol. 22, 3228-3234 (2022).
Advanced Acquisition Strategies for Lab-Based Diffraction Contrast Tomography. J. Oddershede et al., Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, vol. 11, 1-12 (2022).
- 3D Non-Destructive Characterization of Electrical Steels for Quantitative Texture Analysis with Lab-Based X-ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography, J. Sun et al., Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, vol. 10, 551-558 (2021).
- Dynamics of Ga penetration in textured Al polycrystal revealed through multimodal three-dimensional analysis, N. Lu et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 217, 117145 (2021).
Investigation of Relationships between Grain Structure and Inhomogeneous Deformation by Means of Laboratory-Based Multimodal X-Ray Tomography: Strain Accuracy Analysis, M. Kobayashi et al., Experimental Mechanics, vol. 61, 817-828 (2021).
- Crystallographic tomography and molecular modelling of structured organic polycrystalline powders, P. Gajjar et al., CrystEngComm, vol. 23, 2520-2531 (2021).
- Optimizing laboratory X-ray diffraction contrast tomography for grain structure characterization of pure iron, A. Lindkvist et al., Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 54, 99-110 (2021).
- Tracking polycrystal evolution non-destructively in 3D by laboratory X-ray diffraction contrast tomography, S. A. McDonald et al., Materials Characterization, vol. 172, 110814 (2021).
- Particle stimulated nucleation revisited in three dimensions: a laboratory-based multimodal X-ray tomography investigation, X. Lei et al., Materials Research Letters, vol. 9, 65-70 (2021).
- Microstructural shift due to post-deformation annealing in the upper mantle, Y. Boneh et al., Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 2, e2020GC009377 (2020).
3D grain structure of an extruded 6061 Al alloy by lab-scale X-ray diffraction contrast tomography (DCT), Y. Zhao et al., Materials Characterization, vol. 177, 110716 (2020).
Unsupervised Deep Learning for Laboratory-Based Diffraction Contrast Tomography, E. Hovad et al., Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, vol. 9, 315-321 (2020).
- A flexible and standalone forward simulation model for laboratory X-ray diffraction contrast tomography, H. Fang et al., Acta Cryst. A76, 1-12 (2020).
- Characterization of metals in four dimensions, A.J. Shahani et al., Materials Research Letters, vol. 12, 462-476 (2020).
- Dynamics of particle-assisted abnormal grain growth revealed through integrated three-dimensional microanalysis, N. Lu et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 195, 1-12 (2020).
- 3D Crystal Orientation Mapping of Recrystallization in Severely Cold-rolled Pure Iron Using Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography, J. Sun et al., ISIJ International, vol. 60(3), 528-533 (2020).
- Statistics and Reproducibility of Grain Morphologies and Crystallographic Orientations Mapped by Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography, J. Sun et al., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 580, 012046 (2019).
- Integral mean curvature analysis of 3D grain growth: Linearity of dV/dt and mean grain volume, B.R. Patterson et al., IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 580, 012020 (2019).
- Non-destructive three-dimensional crystallographic orientation analysis of olivine using laboratory diffraction contrast tomography, M. J. Pankhurst et al., Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 83(5), 705-711 (2019).
- PolyProc: A Modular Processing Pipeline for X-ray Diffraction Tomography, J. Kang et al., Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, vol. 8(3), 388-399 (2019).
- 3D grain reconstruction from laboratory diffraction contrast tomography, F. Bachmann et al., J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 52, 643-651 (2019).
- A Forward Modeling Approach to High-Reliability Grain Mapping by Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography (LabDCT), S. Niverty et al., JOM, vol. 71(8), 2695-2704 (2019).
- Non-destructive Characterization of Polycrystalline Materials in 3D by Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography, J. Oddershede et al., Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, vol. 8(2), 217-225 (2019).
- Grain boundary wetting correlated to the grain boundary properties: A laboratory-based multimodal X-ray tomography investigation, J. Sun et al., Scripta Materialia, vol. 163, 77-81 (2019).
- Integrated imaging in three dimensions: Providing a new lens on grain boundaries, particles, and their correlations in polycrystalline silicon, R. Keinan et al., Acta Materialia, vol. 148, 225-234 (2018).
- Microstructural evolution during sintering of copper particles studied by laboratory diffraction contrast tomography (LabDCT), S. A. McDonald et al, Sci. Rep., vol. 7(1), 5251 (2017).
- Diffraction Contrast Tomography in the Laboratory – Applications and Future Directions, C. Holzner et al., Micros. Today, vol. 24, no. 4, 34–43 (2016).
- Non-destructive mapping of grain orientations in 3D by laboratory X-ray microscopy, S. A. McDonald et al., Sci. Rep., vol. 5 , 14665 (2015).
Background research
- Three-dimensional grain mapping by x-ray diffraction contrast tomography and the use of Friedel pairs in diffraction data analysis, W. Ludwig et al., Rev. Sci. Inst., vol. 80, 033905 (2009).
- X-ray diffraction contrast tomography: a novel technique for three-dimensional grain mapping of polycrystals. I. Direct beam case, W. Ludwig et al., J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 41, 302-309 (2008).
- Three-Dimensional X-ray Diffraction Microscopy, H.F. Poulsen: (Springer, 2004).
- Three-dimensional maps of grain boundaries and the stress state of individual grains in polycrystals and powders, H.F. Poulsen et al., J. Appl. Cryst., vol. 34, 751-756 (2001).
- Tracking: a method for structural characterization of grains in powders or polycrystals, E.M. Lauridsen et al., J. Appl. Cryst. ,vol. 34, 744-750 (2001).
Other research
- Fast and quantitative 2D and 3D orientation mapping using Raman microscopy. O. Ilchenko et al., Nature Communications, vol. 10, 5555 (2019).
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