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GrainMapper3D Application Note – Mapping many facets of quartz

Correlative mapping of quartz where lab-based DCT is used to reveal the 3D morphology of Dauphine twins, the presence and shape of which has important implications and applications across the geosciences, engineering, and industry.

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Ice

The first test case demonstrating lab-based DCT of ice on frozen tap water, highlighting the non-destructive nature of the technique, which opens possibilities for future studies of ice dynamics.

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Pyrite

Lab-based DCT on pyrite mineral, also know as “fools gold”, demonstrating the available insights into the texture, composition, and internal features of Earth’s building blocks.

GrainMapper3D White Paper – Unprecedented Accessibility

Details and application examples of Lab-based DCT Advanced Acquisition.

GrainMapper3D Product Information Booklet

Inclusive booklet introducing the non-destructive 3D crystallographic imaging with lab-based diffraction contrast tomography

FiberScanner3D Technical Note

 Technical note introducing the non-destructive 3D fiber orientation imaging with lab-based X-ray scattering/dark-filed tensor tomography

GrainMapper3D Technical Note – Reconstruction Speed

Documenting the speed improvements resulting from the optimized indexing implementation of GrainMapper3D v4.0.

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Silicon/Corundum/Quartz Multi-Phase Sample

Simultaneous reconstruction of multiple phases introduced in GrainMapper3D v4.0.

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Annealed Cu Coil

Exploiting DCT advanced acquisition to map the crystallographic orientations in a very large, yet extremely thin, annealed Cu coil. 

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – AlCu Annealing Series

4D study of the grain shape and orientation evolution during a grain growth experiment with 10 annealing steps

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Periodite

3D grain mapping of a peridotite sample containing olivine and pyroxene

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Low Carbon Steel

3D grain mapping of a low carbon steel sample

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Titanium Tensile Sample

3D grain mapping of the gauge section of a titanium dog-bone tensile sample

GrainMapper3D Spotlight – Grain-oriented Electrical Steel

3D grain mapping of two ultra-thin grain-oriented electrical steel samples

Application Note – Synchrotron Validation

Side by side comparison of Lab-based DCT to synchrotron DCT and HEDM

Application Note – Grain Boundaries

Grain boundary wetting correlated to the grain boundary properties:
a laboratory-based multimodal X-ray tomography investigation

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