News from Xnovo

Welcome to Ravi Raj Purohit PURUSHOTTAM RAJ PUROHI…

We welcome Ravi Raj Purohit PURUSHOTTAM RAJ PUROHIT in the role of Scientist to the Xnovo team. Ravi holds a PhD in Physics and mechanics of Materials and has applied his expertise in the fields of materials characterization with X-ray diffraction/sc… Read more

Welcome to Gorm Gruner Jensen

It’s a pleasure to welcome our new Scientist Gorm Gruner Jensen to the Xnovo team. Gorm obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Bremen in 2020. He has specialized in mathematics and simulation based analysis of complex systems and he has a… Read more
LabDCT for corrosion studies

Correlation between corrosion behavior and grain b…

6061 Al alloy (Al-Si-Mg-Cu) is widely used for structural components in aerospace, transportation, and marine engineering because of its ease of fabrication and relatively high strength. Copper is added to improve the strength, however, this simultan… Read more
LabDCT gives the 3D grain structure before investigating the deformation behaviour

Multimodal investigation of 3D grain structure and…

Heterogeneities in the local microstructure and strain distributions in deformed metals are of critical importance for subsequent mechanical processing. It is thus essential to understand the formation of such local heterogeneities and to be able to… Read more
Grain boundary percolation studied by LabDCT

Grain boundary percolation studied by LabDCT

Grain boundaries (GBs) in a polycrystalline material provide faster diffusion paths (by orders of magnitude) compared to the intragranular lattice. This means that damage will accumulate when a connected pathway of failure-susceptible GBs span the ma… Read more

Welcome to Adriaan van Roosmalen

We are happy to welcome Adriaan van Roosmalen to the Xnovo team as our new Scientist. Adriaan has recently completed his MSc in Physics and Nanotechnology from DTU, where he, for his thesis in cooperation with Xnovo, worked with the determination of… Read more

Xnovo PhD prize awarded at Danscatt 2022

The prize for this year’s best Danscatt PhD thesis was awarded to Jette Katja Mathiesen for her thesis, When One Is Not Enough: From Mono– to Bimetallic Nanocrystals with a Look towards High–Entropy Alloys, conducted at the Department of Chemistry, U… Read more

Welcome to Hodjat Mariji

We welcome Hodjat Mariji in the role of Scientist to the Xnovo team. Hodjat holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and has applied his expertise in a variety of fields ranging from fundamental physics (high energy, condensed matter, astrophysics) to appl… Read more

Welcome to Henning Osholm Sørensen

We have the pleasure of welcoming Henning Osholm Sørensen to the Xnovo team as new Product Manager.  Henning comes from a position as Senior Scientist in the Neutrons and X-rays for Material Physics section at DTU Physics, where he used in situ X-ray… Read more

Welcome to Morten Gjerding

It’s a pleasure to welcome Morten Gjerding to the Xnovo team as our new Scientist. Morten obtained his PhD from DTU Physics in 2017 on computer simulations of optical properties of low-dimensional materials and has since then worked as a postdoc in r… Read more
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